Working from home by connecting your USB Monitor, USB Keyboard and USB Mouse to your computer at office which at a distance of 25 Miles.
You can monitor activity in your backyard, or you can also monitor what your kid is doing at school and what the teacher is doing at school with an USB Camera and an USB Microphone. Outrageous right. But it is possible too.

The main benefit with such a cable according to wired blog is "one of the selling points of the system is that governments can use it to run secure connections to distant cameras. For us, more modest extensions over USB's five-foot limit mean we can tuck unsightly peripherals away in hidden corners."
The image on right hand side shows the Icron's ThinkLogical setup, ExtremeUSB .
ThinkLogical setup doesn't use the actual USB protocol to transfer the USB Data. They provide interface boxes and you need to plug them in. Each box converts the USB signal to or from a Icron's proprietary signal and sends this over the wire (or the air, or the powerline). The trick is, to the computer and other devices, the whole thing looks like a regular USB hub. A twenty five mile long USB hub, but a hub nonetheless(
See the "ExtremeUSB" site for more details details.
That's an useful and impressive solution.